The 2010 Federation Internationale de Football Association's World Cup will be held in Durban, South Africa starting in June. Will you be there?
This year's Cup promises to be one of the best ever and matches will be intense, historic, and experiencing them will be a once in a lifetime event. Will you be there?
In the past, the costs to attend a World Cup have often been prohibitive. Many fans and enthusiasts have missed out because they just can't afford 700-900 Euros a night for a hotel stay. Especially when the games run for five weeks.
This year, we're bringing something new and much more fun to the event. This year, you can stay in Durban for a fraction of the cost of the hotels downtown without compromising your safety. You can camp in a secure, friendly, and beautiful environment just minutes from downtown and only a few paces from local pubs and restaurants.
Camping on the campuses of two local schools, both very beautiful and very well-kept, you can have the best of both worlds: the best of camping and the best of a hotel. You and your mates can enjoy full amenities camping with access to showers, restrooms, dining, a swimming pool, beaches, and more.
These campuses are just ten minutes walk from the beach, two or three minutes walk from pubs and restaurants, and shuttle service runs every hour to Fan Parks and the stadium itself, so you can get to the game and into the action.
There is kitchen meals served daily, all day - breakfast, lunch and supper. The school halls have large rooms with a big screen TV and great sound so you won't miss a match just because you don't have tickets to the game.
For groups of friends who don't have a lot of money to spend on hotel stays, this is definitely the way to go. You and your mates can have the time of your lives camping, sampling the (real) local night life, and seeing the best the World Cup has to offer.
The 2010 FIFA World Cup will be one of the best showcases of football in history. Will you be there?
Related : BestOnFriday
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