Friday, December 24, 2010

Cyber Crimes - Being Familiar With the Different Types of Internet-Related Crimes

With the prevalent use of the computer, come the possibility and the occurrence of many kinds of cyber crimes. To describe, cyber crimes are criminal activities which makes use of the internet technology to obtain unlawful or un-permitted access to a computer system or internet-related accounts with the purpose of damaging or altering computer or personal data. It involves illicit activities such as identity theft, data interference, electronic frauds, and abuse of devices. Although it may not always consist of damage to physical property, it may at the same time comprise of the intention to manipulate private data as well as critical information for a particular organization or person. Along with this, an individual needs to realize that the ever-continual discovery that leads to the progressive development of many things is some of the weapons used by many internet criminals to get through with their illegal activities. This article will provide basic information about different types of cyber crimes.

One of the most common types of cyber crimes is the act of trying to obtain confidential information such as account usernames, credit card information, and secret codes through acting as real and legal entities. This act known as phishing is accomplished by sending fraudulent emails or requiring individuals to provide confidential information in a bogus website. Most of the time, these cyber criminals make use of websites that are created to be mistaken as the website that they are trying to imitate; they are doing this to make the users confident and feel safe in providing their personal information.

Identity theft is also one of the most dangerous and deceptive schemes that one can encounter if they are not vigilant with their actions. A lot of people have been robbed of great amounts of money and other benefits because illicit minded individuals have used their identity. To be more precise, identity theft is the act of pretending to be somebody else by using your identity as if it is their own. For example, once your bank or credit card information has been stolen, it would be easier for a person to obtain goods and services by using your own information. Typically, identity theft is carried out in order to pursue illegal migration, blackmail and sometimes terrorism.

The popularity of using social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter as well as using instant messaging services and using chat rooms, joining forums and other internet forums make way for the possible undertaking of cyber stalking. This act can be defined as an action that is accomplished with the aim to torture other individuals through the use of the internet. Individuals who are prone to posting their daily activities and other personal information through these sites are at the greater risk of being harassed by others who are gathering this information to be used on them.

Indeed, there are plenty of cyber crimes that are transpiring at present. This all the more proves that people have to be extra careful with their actions when they are online. You have to understand that with the great benefits that internet technology can provide to many individuals, it also present possible threats that can bring damaging effects to an individual's life if they are not wary of their actions.

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